STP Volume 2 - Annual Report Volume 2 No.1 - June 1991 (pdf 18.6MB)
STP Volume 2 - Annual Report Volume 2 No.1 - June 1991 (pdf 18.6MB)
Paper A - Lazaratos, S., Rector, J., Harris, J., and Schaack, M., "High resolution imaging with crosswell reflection data". (100KB pdf)
Paper B - Nolen-Hoeksema, R., and Harris, J., "Crosswell seismic imaging in carbonate rocks of a West Texas 1-acre 5-spot". (1.2MB pdf)
Paper C - Michalena, R., and Harris, J., "Anisotropic Tomography". (2.1MB pdf
Paper D - Onishi, M., and Harris, J.,"Anisotropy from head waves in crosswell data: Theory". (1.1MB pdf)
Paper E - Onishi, M., and Harris, J.,"Anisotropy from head waves in crosswell data: Case study". (1.6MB pdf)
Paper F - Lucet, N., and Mavko, G., "Rock properties interpretation of a crosswell image". (1.7MB pdf)
Paper G - Schaack, M., and Mavko, G., "Velocity-porosity-clay relations in shaly sands derived from Gulf Coast well logs". (1.3MB pdf)
Paper I - Harris, J., "Simultaneous interative transform tomography". (1.2MB pdf)
Paper J - Smalley, N., and Harris J., "Statistics from strings". (1.7MB pdf)
Paper K - Canales, L., "Trace interpolation in the F-X domain". (580KB pdf)
Paper L - Lambert, C., "XPick- X Window interactive travel time for picker for crosswell seismic data". (424KB pdf)
Paper M - Canales, L., "Computational speedup of the String Algorithm". (524KB pdf)
Paper N - Harris, J., "High resolution data aquisition system update". (420KB pdf)